Friday, October 21, 2011

Penguins In Sweaters!

No this is not going to be about a child's movie. I'm actually referring to the New Zealand oil spill. The poor blue penguins were caught in the mess and unfortunately they are having some trouble staying warm. As if that isn't bad enough, they can't even prune their feathers because of contamination. If I was a penguin, I'd be pissed. Well looking for solutions, the idea of penguin sweaters came up and a call was sent out the knitters of the world. Apparently it worked surprisingly well too. It's an adorable end to an awful tragedy. Though as far as the ecosystem goes, the work is far from over. Things like this make me say Go Hyundai! With there hydrogen car that made it cross country. Maybe if they make good on promises we can finally get off this fossil fuel dependency we seem to have.

Corset wishing for a safer environment,
Signing off.

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