Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pokemon For Adults

Ok. Being the type of girl that I am I'll admit that I bought Pokemon Black and White when they came out and I played them both all the way through. However like many of the older Pokemon fans, it didn't hold the attraction that Silver and Gold had. Now I'm not picking today to start my Pokemon rant. Today I am actually talking about The Drunken Moogle. It was a blog I ran across that made me start thanking deities as I came across a loooong list of game themed shots and alcoholic beverages.

I enjoy a night out as much as the next person and I would just love to go to the bar and ask for a Charizard.

2 oz Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey
2 splashes of grenadine
2 splash of scotch
1.5 ounces Bacardi 151
Fill with ginger ale 

(All rights go to Drunken Moogle) 

Or Even to ask for a Tweedle Rum and Tweedle Tea (Alice: Madness Returns Cocktail)
It made my inner little girl giggle like mad while the adult in me was ready to whip open the cabinets and see what I could make. It was a nice change of pace and I like the trend. It gets old quickly to have to say some of the odd names associated with cocktails. I know I blushed the first time I asked someone to make me a "Rocky Mountain Muther F*cker" and you have to be careful how you ask for an "Orgasm".  

 They have brought some long awaited class to the drinking world and I hope that many of these will catch on. I look forward to trying the Bioshock Adam and Eve while I wait for the next installment of Bioshock to hit stores. 

It's drinks like these that give me hope I can go to a bar one day and not have to listen to cheesy country music or bad metal wanabee. It will be a place I can go with my friends and we can dress as we want and talk about games with out people harassing us or acting like we have the plague. I would love to see a club or a bar that played off this theme of gamers. To encourage the socially awkward that there is a place for us out there too and it doesn't involve fighting our way through whatever happens to be hip at the moment to have a drink with friends. Or even worse, some dive because it's the only place they don't judge us. A see a vision in the future of a type of bar where you can order these drinks and go play Fall Out in the corner or run a Table top in a back room. I may be a bit delusional about all this but you know what, I hate the bar scene as it is now. So even if this way is doomed to fail, it would be a fun ride.

I would even greatly enjoy a compilation bar tenders guide. 

I guess what I am trying to say is my top hat goes off to you Drunken Moogle.
Girl In A Corset Heading out for a long day and even longer night.
Drink Responsibly!

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