Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Skylanders Giants

HI! Oh don't look surprised. It's a game of course I made plans to play it. Anywho. Skylanders Giants came out the other day and I must say I am severely disappointed in the upgrades they made. The original skylanders was a short game to begin with and Giants only has about 16 chapters so at a half hour each taking our time you are looking at eight hours of game play. I don't know about you but $60 game. 8 hours of game play. Not a happy camper.

 Also the main reason I play this game is to play with my man however they have really added insult to injury with the multiplayer mode this time. In the original game the second player was at least allowed to open boxes but not anymore! If a second player gets near a box the primary player has to open it and it has been doing this at random for other challenges such as the feats of strength. It's less like having two players and more like having a side kick.

Next on the bitch list is the difficulty settings. I was excited because I just breezed through the first game murdering everything in my path so when I heard the second had a hard and even nightmare mode I was excited. And then it failed me. Hard didn't make the enemies harder to kill. It didn't even seem to make more of them when we were playing with the different levels. All Hard seems to do is increase the damage of the enemies effectively turning all your own pieces, giants included, into glass cannons.

Then they added potty humour. I don't know about you but I don't like potty humour. It gets old quickly and I know the game is aimed at kids but I wouldn't want my child laughing at these jokes either. I'd want them to have a little more taste so when I see they have a figure coming out called Hot Dog (awww its a puppy) and one of its attacks is a flaming bag of poo I just have to sigh. Or one of our giants has an attack called "B is for butt stinger" I can just imagine a bunch of 6 year olds running around saying that or teaching it to little siblings. I found it to be unnecessary and in poor taste.

Speaking of the giant aspect of the game I was really under impressed. They seem to just be larger, which gets in the way of each other more than anything, with more HP. They don't seem to actually be any stronger. Level 4 Tree Rex currently goes 8 damage with his upgraded blaster power. Not impressed. The enemies I'm fighting do like 80.

Oh and one last point that irked me wrong. The hats. There are TONS more of them. Yea! That's great except you don't find all of them anymore. You find some and others you have to buy in specific levels. Also if you don't buy them in that level you don't get credit for having found them all. So it can easily turn your three star or even two star level back down to a one star because your staring at these hats debating between a star and your next upgrade. I think they were trying to create greater replay value maybe? All it did was bug me. I'd spend five minutes comparing hats then get to the end and be told I didn't find them. BS! I found them! I CHOSE not to buy them.

Corset not really sticking to the new schedule.
Signing off.

ps: At least I'm posting eventually.

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