Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Resident Evil 5

I've never really been a fan of the Resident Evil games. I went through a bought where I loved the movies but the games just never really stuck. However who am I to turn down a good deal so about two years? ago now one of the local Blockbusters were shutting down so there were a lot of games on the cheap. Resident Evil 5 Special Edition was one of them. Now getting it for $15 made it worth it to me if for no other reason than it came with a messenger bag and that was practical.

Well life happens more often than I would like and I had other games I actually wanted to play so I put it on the back burner. Now fast forward. Life is happening, world keeps turning, I'm surfing Netflix watch instant and find Resident Evil Degeneration and it reminds me. So pop it in the 360 it's time for a killing spree. 

First thing I want to say about this game play is do NOT play one player. Your NPC partner is glued to your hip and constantly circled me like a buzzard. The simplest task they give me, run in a straight line turns into barge my partner out of the way and hope I run faster than her. Then they are like pick up your first gun (yeah!) except my partner has decided to run in place next to me right in front of the gun box.

Ignoring the little things that playing it multi-player would fix, this game brings out the reason I am not fond of shooters where there is nothing extraordinary to make up for the painful task of aiming. Now if you ask me to hit the body, ok I can do that. If you want me to hit its head because it's a zombie give me a minute. I like slow freaky things coming after me. Auto aiming games have spoiled me over the years as have the close enough rule. Oh I missed his head but it was a 12 gauge so close enough. I just shot blindly but its an automatic machine gun so probably close enough to what I meant to hit.

My only big bitch at this point in the game is why can I not walk and swing a knife? Why can I not turn in circles while swinging a knife. I have it. It worked better than my gun when I can bottle neck the things. However Using that knife paralyzes me. It bugs me and seems like poor planning on their part. If I want to run wildly into creatures swinging a knife that comes with the character I should get to. 

All that being said the two player mode was a lot more enjoyable. Playing with the man meant no NPC on my hip wasting all my ammo. Instead I had someone to help me heckle the game while we murdered everything the game would let us. I can't say I'm super impressed by the plot but it makes for a decent game so far. I think some of the controls are overly complicated but that's just an aspect that I need to adjust to. New game and all that.

Overall I can't say I felt screwed out of my money (messenger bag made it totally worth it) but I probably won't play through it more than once.

Corset signing off. 

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