Well then, raise your hand if you are familiar with the Elder Scrolls games. Good! So you probably already know about Skyrim and that it came out in the end of November and is a highly addicting game with a few highly irritating problems. My next question, who remembers the cluster fuck of glitches that occurred when oblivion was first released. I do! I know that months and months later they finally re-released the game in a special edition glitch free kind of way but by the time they did that I was torching my copy refusing to pay for another.
So you should be happy to hear that Skyrim is no where near that bad. I've ran into a few incidinces where my game has frozen. I found one area where a mammoth falls out of the sky repeatedly instead of walking. If you approach it, the mammoth falls to the ground dead. That was entertaining. Then there was the update. Oh Skyrim why? I woke up one morning and found I still had the urge to play and it was ok if I was five minutes late so I started up Skyrim and the 360 prompted me that I needed to install an update. Ok this happens. I hit accept. Then I check my cell and I have half a dozen texts from various people warning me that the update includes bugs and do not for any reason do it. Well damn.
Now what these bugs are I haven't done hard core research into. From my understanding it's made some quests unbeatable. I haven't found them yet. Then again I've only clocked ten hours since I installed. Word of advice to the wise though, if you are looking for a fun quest, choose the misc. with the offbeat title. Things like, Haunted House, or Go Visit the Museum. or Drinking Contest! I've had a lot more fun with those than some of the main line quests. Then again mine has a bug so that despite the fact I chose to have a tail, they still all mistake me for a Nord and my clairvoyance spell has decided it wants to rail road me into joining the rebellion.
Well, no major complaints on my end. All the bugs I've been able to take with a grain of salt and a laugh. We shall see when I turn my sights toward the main mission later this week. Oh and by the way, unless you move slower than a dead sabre cat, don't waste money on a horse.
Corset signing off.
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